March 24-26, 2023
Québec City Convention Centre
Much like our flea market in past Kermesses, you will be able to sell your used articles through our services on Octobre 8th, so it’s the perfect opportunity to find new owners for your comics or your anime figures!
The rules are the same as in past events; we take a 20% cut on sold articles to help fund our festival. We don’t take anything on unsold articles, and return them to their owners.
So, if you want to sell through our services, you only need to bring your items to our tables and tell us at what price you wish to sell it, including our cut. In the case of numerous items, we would appreciate if you could bring a list of them, along with their prices, to accelerate the process. Excel format, on USB flash drive, is not necessary, but would be appreciated.
Oh, one last thing. Since Foire Geek will be replacing Kermesse this year, our usual Kermesse won’t happen. Sorry!