March 24-26, 2023
Québec City Convention Centre
Shivers go down your spine when you try to find a place for your new figure in your display? Your manga library is so full, even dust is too afraid of it breaking down to get close? Your fridge is the only place left for you to store your games? Fear not, for the flea market is here to save the day!
The process is quite simple: You deposit your items at the market and specify the price at which you wish to sell them. We put them on sale. Later on or when leaving the convention, you come back and get your money and/or unsold items. If they were sold, we keep a 20% cut on the price your specified; if not, we keep nothing.
Of course, selling things is but one facet of a flea market! Whether you’re a seller or not, drop by the market often to check on new arrivals! You may very well find some gems!
If you have several items to put on sale, we encourage you to download, fill, and bring (in digital format) this Excel document to facilitate and accelerate the registration process!