Art created by : Kunyue
Just a few hours until 2018!
Merry Christmas!

Concerning the tragedy
Two days ago, tragedy struck in Québec City
Our festival’s primary goal is to spread the love for the culture of a certain distant country. As such, when we heard the news about the events that took place on our very own doorstep, we simply didn’t want to believe it; such horrors may often only seem like rumors, whispers from faraway lands. Yet, this time, the horror was much too close.
We are saddened, if not disappointed, by the events that transpired during this weekend. However, yesterday, countless thousands of people took on the streets, brandishing candles and flowers in response to the atrocity, boon on this wound to our community. We would like to do the same. While our festival focuses exclusively on matters relating to Japan, both our organization and our attendees have various origins, religions, as well as sexual orientation and identities. In this era of technology and globalization, of cultural and ideological shock, we believe acceptance is of the utmost importance. Differences should not be something to separate people based on, but to learn about instead. After all, while we may come from different countries, or have different beliefs, we are all human.
Dare to open your heart.
Maid Café Menu

Volunteer Maids and Butlers wanted for Nadeshicon’s Maid Café
Hi everyone!
Nadeshicon’s Maid Cafe is fast approaching and we are looking for several Maids and Butlers volunteers to help at the event. This is a perfect opportunity to put your cosplays, meet people and eat good food!
We do not provide maids or butlers outfit, so make sure to bring your own if you want to participate as a volunteer.
If you are interested in participating as a maid or butler, please send a message at [email protected] with a little text explaining your motivation!
Panelists and Volunteers
You want to get involved in the 2016 edition of the Nadeshicon festival?
So here’s your chance! You can get involved in two ways:
1- You can offer your help as volunteers during the convention. We are looking for volunteers to help with the completion of various tasks during the festival.
2- You can offer your help by organizing panels at the convention. We are always looking for interesting and passionate people to animate various panels!
Various compensation may be offered depending your involvement (Refund of badge, T-shirts, dinner, etc ..)
If you are interested, please complete the form for the type of involvement you wish to offer.
For Volunteer. Send the completed form to [email protected]
For Panelist. Send the completed form to [email protected]
Contracts for merchants and artists are now available!
At last, contracts for Festival Nadeshicon 2016’s Dealers Room are available! Read the contract to learn all about the rules and the procedures concerning the Dealers Room, and to book your space. Don’t wait too long, or else they will all be gone!
See you in the Dealers Room!
Etienne ”Dez” Desilets-Trempe and Frivolesque at Nadeshicon’s Kermesse Animé!
What could a daydreaming introvert, an overly nice gamer, a sleazy otaku, a secret agent and a slightly superhuman boxer have in common?
Frivolesque is a colorful webcomic 100% made in Québec. But did you know it was also a book now?
Yup! The first two years of the webcomic’s run have been collected and published by Rémi Paradis as a paperback, available in both English and French. And better yet, the book is going to be launched at Nadeshicon’s Kermesse Anime. Are you a fan of Flore, Chloe, Gaia, Saki or Marie-Neige? Or even Clementine? Come meet Dez, the creator of Frivolesque, buy one of the first copies of the paperback and get it signed!
Etienne Desilets-Trempe, better known as Dez, is the creator of Frivolesque, a webcomic updating weekly launched in 2013.
Country-raised, and currently based in Quebec City, Dez is into comics of all kinds, cinema and video games. He also loves to take part in various geeky events.
Now drawing again after a decade-long draught of inspiration and motivation, Dez decided to start working on a personal project to snap out of this dry spell. Inspired by his city, the geek subculture he’s proud to be part of and the people in it, he created Frivolesque, a webcomic in the vein of humorous Japanese “4-koma” style manga (Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, K-On) showcasing the everyday life of five quirky girls, each one of them being an evolution of older character designs Dez drew along the years.
Since then, he just can’t stop, and his biggest wish is to help anybody else with a creative mind to get out there and achieve something.
His webcomic :
On social networks :