March 24-26, 2023
Québec City Convention Centre
Are the folks over at the apartment under yours growing tired of your poor manga library creaking in the dead of the night? Or maybe the narrow pathway between your figurine displays can only be narrowed down so much still? Or maybe, like a poet leaving a book on a park bench, you want to pass your favorite anime DVD on to a new owner so that they, too, can in turn fall in love with it?
The flea market is at your service! Come deposit the items you wish to sell during the festival, along with the price you wish to ask for them, and we will take care of it! Always filled to the brim with pearls of every kind, the market profits from constant traffic, making it ideal for you to sell your used geek and anime goods!
Do take note that we will be taking a 20% cut on sold items, so be sure to decide on a price with that in mind. You will also be able to fetch your unsold items back, free of charge.
If you intend on selling multiple items, you may fill this Excel document ahead of time and bring it with you along with your items to make it easier on our staff to add them to our inventory!